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Is Canadian CRTC consortium in place of interent news together with 3rd party search and browsers AI" BOTS (software) , being paid to keep local 3dtvStartups.com and 3DTVCanada.com redacted, wile Prrsident Trump says we are not playing fair, and I have to watch for decades while together with sports affifliats they plat thwet aree good sports and meanwhile sell local startups web traffic for ads to 3rd parties in broad datlight, for decades or am i imagineing the last 26 years reporting it?

Why do Canadian 2D TV medias not support local 3DTVStartups.com like 3DTVSports.com net org 3DTVBusiness.com and 3DStores.com are they filtering the web so it all goes their way like the fir trade did >
So why for decades is there no interity in this new industry here as the world addopts isare the presses opaid to keep it secret here? is no secrets or agendas there a coup or somthing in this we need to know?

Will US and Canadian tariffs and counter tariffs on prescriptions kill Americas and Canadians that are too poor to afort the tariffs or living from check to patcheck and pensioners whno are stuck with no increase in wage as the index and the insurance in canada do not reflect the cost of living dayy by day or from yea toyeasr they will go without and suffer when they need not die.

President Trump is right , Canadian press redact 100 26 yeaers of a Canadian trying to launch 3dtvsports travel fashion and news and the 2D crtc newse redact 26 years of 3DTVCHannelsUSA ans so howq caqn the press say they have integrity when they do this for 26 years and block the news and sell their own news on the very domains they block and call it integrity aqnd fair? www.3DTVsportsw.com every sports event i get hacked to the kilt, and 2d tv sdports does not even mention thi9s as we sit inthe penalty box and the news is fsaked.
ucky for me i get to report this all day or i wouild get board waiting 26 years for a 2d tv news to com onkline in 2d is spooky and inside tradeing is not intereaste isd incompitance and politicians afreaid to cross the 2d tv press line is important in global politics and why is the reason i ask as no journalist working in 2d tv does this and so i get stuck reporting it from redacted 3dtvcanada.com news for 7 federal election so why no 3DTVPOlitics.com in Canadina 2d crtc tv are they discrimination or broadcasting and filtering local startuos too get taxes for free witht no representation ?

26 years in the penaqlty box , www.3DTVSports.com

somw one with monet(2d tv have us broke for decades ) please buy 3dtv.sports and help us launch 3dtvsportds.com net org as our affiliate as we are redacted in Canada and trapped on a 2d tv monoply for news travell fashion shpopping and sports in 2D is redacted by Casnadian masrkets and the stock market the onlky ewy to have 3dtvsports.com net org is on the 3dtv.sports affiliation and we are broke ans j]kept penneyless by a 100% readactuin of 3dtvsports.com newt org we hasve to ask some one elon musl]k anyone please by 3dtv.sports and free us from thei 2d tv prision in news. may be presidrent Trump knows some one who is tryoing to makwe asmerica great and can help 3dtvchannelAmerics.com too andr if yoiu knoe =w az Canadian woth 400 bucks then they can bvuy 3dtv.sports and come to our rescue3 befior eht next bitfg 2d tv game?

ww.3DTVCAnada.net 3DTVCHannels.org

Canada obviously has no competition bureau looking into 2DTV news insider trading and redaction for 3rd parties.

not one 3dtelevisionnetwork.com net org 3dtv startup.com is possible in a Canadian 2d tv news medias in canada and i am sure in any other fre country it would be possible3 so may be if we join the USA then canadian pres would be integritous www.3DTVCHannel.us. looking into local and international interfearance in 3dtvsports.com we find a suffix .sports and even 3dtv.sports and yet all the 26 years we launched 3dtvgsports.com net org we were redacted by 100 canadain press and we could not by the suffix .2d in 2000 and the crtc said they would not go online and would tell me when they did iand so how do you investigate insider and international interfearance in 2dtvsports.com whenthe 2d prwess are redeacing it for 2rd parties ? is ther no law23s against this?

no integrithy in 2d crtc press for 2DTVsports.com and this is not beung a sport about it tit is history of Canadian news itself. dscrimination so as to own the p[odium is real. 3DrealTV.com ids gaed by theeeeses medias and no one else tels them who and hwat wher wna why to redact and this is iunsidter fix9ing and no plae for politicians .

and run sports gambeling on 21d tv is probaqbl;t why laundering web traffic is not new but redacting and running ads on the redacted startuopsis inneed of a law to invfestigae theis news=busiens insidte practiv=ces.

how can you trust a news with politcs rthat pouls this offd religiously for 26 yesars is the questiuonh what eklse to they tweek in theior frac vfgour to invest inthem is to ionvfest in ICANN and get redacted. . www.3DTVPOlitics the major sports leagues havfe to by thiwr own suffix if they ewhant to rerasct same a ,spotrtdse did and ,sports nevfer calles 3dtvsports.com incedaceds and so ths fix in in for politcs too if they use 2dtv news then they are poart of the groupthat r4erdasct 2dtvsport6s.com net org

It takes real lack of integrity to pul this off for 26 yesars inCVanada.

3DTVCanada.com startups for business and pleasure in a world where corproations own hundreds of internet suffexes and registrars for internet business and internternational interfearance by 2D TV newses requires a new law to protect local and national 2DTV news and periodical descrimination protection by a new law forcing medias to be nutral in busines news and social networks local and in countries with democracies and a law to protect and investigste discriminatoionh and coverups of ICANN sociall nets for 2D stereo tv online how can you start 2DSTreamingTV.comwhe3n it is redacted by 2DTV monolies 100% foir decads in Vanacouver ocal anf global 3 online busines launvhing frtom Canada, sos thew KING know this is the way Canadian press do business?

An entire genoration has grown up while all the 3DTVToons.comn are gaged and rewdactewd by a Canadian press dark deal or somthing to fix the markets their waya nd drag in their 3rd poarties while blocking all the 3DTVPolitics.com showsw and stores, The tableis turned from blackberry to online 2d tv portals in 26 years all blocked by 2d so ther is no way to use local 3DTV and new3dtvchannels in Caada 2d press monoplies and we are a democracy with a 2d cartewll not a consortium so what about that?
in their busines favou5r by themselves and deals to redact 3dTV.news and 3DVTV.com money and sports travel re4alestae and even 3dmoviechannel.com is gaged in medias by local and natiuonal 2DtV for decades gives them lots of informstion to investigasge .
Will this thret to 2DTVBusiness.com net org starups get the attention of politicians regulating integrity in the presses and sports?

www.3DTVSports.com advertising and sponcering is impossible when the industry is redacted by the Canadian preses
how abouit that 2dtv is in need of new regulation online and should be investigated is a goodn thig so hw32o can Canada make the USA great when alltheir 2DTVCanada.com startuos in the usa are redacted in Canada locall medias for 26 yesars they redact US startups Canadian launch and loclka startups sopwe are imprisioned by aor opwn 2DTV news swearts hops set up to redact 2DTV usingt minimal journsalits and i get stuck reporting it , how about that!/

www.3DTVCopyright.com as they redact 3DTV we can not preduce a 2DTVS
why does it not tell you all about that?
Dealing withthe problem of 3DTVStartups.com trafic trafficing crime3s go unreported and no way to report internet web startup trafficingf their trafic in the 2DTV news so 2DTV web busines trafficing oif web trafic is a crome and the news are not reportingit,

3DTV.news and Canadian3DTV.com 3DTVRealty.com missing even 3DTelevisionCanada.com do not get 2dTV canadian tax payers pay to be nutral in business are redacting and filtering content so it all goes their way is wewll known but competition intefearance by all the crtc newsesw and medias sis deliborate and so we get stuck reporing 3dTVBusines.com and the 2D TV drag on in 2D so as to own the podium is obviously part of history of 2dTV local startups fopr26 years so why7 the silence is theer somthing doing on they do not whant you to knaow about this busines of redacting competition in the local and nationasl news ?

The 3DCounty.com 3DTV.news and all the 3DTVCopyright.com net org in CAnada are redacted by 2DTV for 26 years do big deal tellevertone so they can take the bow andwin the aw2ards for the most covering upof 3DTV in local and hnation news in the wprld and this is news for sure where arew the journalists on this reality ast ehy is no3drealtfv.com or 32dtvreality.com in any Cnadi9an prews so what about that.

3DEucationlTV,.com redactewd for covid is obvious but the why is mising and only 2D CRTC TV is able to report stuff like this so why do they silence 3DTV local anfd natrional startups on the onternet itr is making thme a victoom oif ihnternet trafficing and so the only news about local startups in Canadian news that are 3DWorlWideWebTV.com startups.com are not even mentioned on Canadian national news and so why do the crtc medias not tell you ALL About that.? Iinternational interfearance in local 3DTVBrands.com and internationasl 3DTVCHanneleurope.com, 3dAInews.com and 3DTVCHannelUSA.com and all the data on 3DTVSport.com travrel shopping hosted in Canada mising in local and national news for decades and no mention as to why is international and interfearance by 2dTV so what abiout that in 3d on 3DadCHannel.com all local and international 3DTVbusiness.com launched localy are mising in the 2DTV preses so why how come ther is no 2DTV shows telling all about that? Read all abount it 3DJournals.com Look www.3DBroadcastingNetwork.com up on sogou .

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