The USA has to think twice before it makes Caqnada a stae as there ar important things to consider.
Canadian companies that are big tech are not accesable to the small business or online startups other than a listing on a big tech data base that cares not to find you favouring 3r party affiliates of you and fake news on then renforce this economic firwall.
if you try to take a 5, 6 7 of ,17, 18 19 even 21, 23 25 years innvation not found on 2D TV and call the big wigs here you get AI bot firewalld and blocked in every department by the wrong person to be talking to, so unless the president of the big tech calls you there is no way on social nets or 2DTVnews or by the front desk of the company itself to taks to anyone wqho makesa president's choice, and so with lobby grouips and a few manufacturers of cell phone and pc computers allowed here by the medias there is noi way to launch a business thata the president if companies are looking for and so they sit around wishing they had Ai orr big tech while it blocks all the invation and startuos friom reachinhg peoplke who can do somthing about it ans so if you were , per say, to launhch a there is no way to aproach anything in sports that will get youi past a firwall an socvial nets or in 2D TV news to the president and if you write , Hand write IN cursive to the president and mark it confidential; on an email or test message you csazn be sutre it will be opoend and resdate4d if it is 26 yers old 3DTVsportsa and a metaverse or 2 for coffi breakers, so these are just a few thiongs that make Canada a great place to do busines with if you can but different than any state in the usa as it is culturaly different and very multylingual and unable to go friom the bottom up and innovate so we need the USA as you can see it is not ready tobe usa sstate and you weill have to drag Canada along as you nmake America great and fix it so it the Apache severs report ...It Works!.... first.
The USA has to think twice before it makes Canada a state as there are important things to consider.
Canada 2D TV news and business investment is blocked , even local US citiy stations are locked and this is youir neioghbourhood , unblocking the fix when it is in, as innovation is surgical redactwd ai bots in sociaql news medias filter net org startups out of it's news librauries for businesses looking for affiliats and investors online 26 years they will not even mention 1 or or plus elections ar in 2D for decades shows magazines periodical journals and sports yiour can not launch a chain in a or a without the news redacting it for a year and still running a voidinh so theis is not making Americfa great at all just a few affiliats r4ich and that the realk news not fake newws as aqnyione will attest, as not a single or magazine online started up decades ago they Canadian prwss will not come to your rescue like the USA free press is in any news vailt and no jour4nalists faculties dare report elsewise or they lose their bitg tech sponcership is probibaly more here than in the USA too, and when your ip serfver and host is bought and sold it is musical chairs and your for sure left out to be consumed by cpg scripts writing AI bot traffic blockinhg programs called security bots and tese are firwalls to prevent innovationh noit pronmote and make america great as these things are imrisioned held hosstage for their web traffic and innovations blocked in secret by big tech affiliates in neews and social net scripts write them selves while president sit in firwall3ed solitary confinement by AI bot security from the inovators and inovation itself even faculties are restrained like it was sports be endlessly bought and sold by web servides and to serverers and round robins software catchalls logeked for 72 hours on a strage ip address holding compnaies dat6a farm is normal here, like folsom blues and your unix is forced on a platform ofplex or java or php or no linex unix c avalable controle panels your stuck on a platform on a platfoprm that requirs all the platform in sync and updates attack youi all day no other cellphone or pc is compatable anyways anf new php java=pps and ads rain down in asteroid, meterm and space junk swamp you instead of a seamless move and busines as usal it's different here in Vancouver bC online than in any other us state as mnixed up together with with big tech bot coding presidnets and innovation can not connect, so as to have an industry redacted for 26 years is the online state of alffairs here and USA businesses could not grow in than environment that redacts contact with a presideent and no one else is doing it in compnaies for themj how could they innovste themselves in this solitary confinement AI bots orchestrate, unsupervised for 26 years thay have created a broken chain of command in every presidents portfolio and yet hey can find you a doctor5 fror what ever ails ya.
as a stae of the USA you take these things for granted biut in cCanada ther is no us news as local live arree blocked by the over the air broadcasters surveses are choked at the boarder and you would have to wait 5 10 25 20 even 26 years to find a hosting and regioster tht ias not in cahhots with the big tech 2d tgv channels and so Canada is not able to ruhn kike the USA it is choked and redacted and you8 are not . we are your best customer and we are your neighbour but the epeople are not alklowed thew same rights or constitutions as USA gwts n d so as vicgttoms of 2D TV nes nd business shows we could not support the same system you use but we sure can pump oil for 26 years we should be able to pimp 3DTV shows like the big techs do but the5re is nothing there for looking to distribute USA 3DTV channela here and as a state it would be more pproblems and barrioes as we have a different internet constitution and security as the us and as a staeth9os wouoldcause bigger broblems at this [articular and tax everthig going online like it was 2DTV busineses idea in the first [lace same as who ge6ts to be founhd in the Canadian press anhd this ios a lot different than being just another state. of and looking for a prtnet for 50% of if i could find one3.
twitter reports what i found to be news,
I can't get into my new used 3 times never posted x account as it stoped working as soon as i joined and is stuck efer since , some sociall net ?
Via PC at least, you can't create an account no matter what you try. The software has zero feedback and says nothing about why an account can't be created at all. It only loops you in a forever loop saying "Oops, something went wrong. Try again later."
Via PC at least, you can't create an account no matter what you try. The software has zero feedback and says nothing about why an account can't be created at all. It only loops you in a forever loop saying "Oops, something went wrong. Try again later."
When will the crtc police their newses intent as they redact at whim so as to better their lot at the expence of USA jpurnalism in ewve5ry city like they were r5edacting for it's trafric value, and no concern for actors investors stock marketsand the iCann address itself as no integtrity rules the same broadcast for every city;s news on the cables feeds how can you make America great resdact6edfor 26 years is the mainproblem,. not the elected presidents doings.
information so it isw not fakeing who is online in
If you want to watch American city's news you will have to go to their address using their iCANN official address (ifit is not blockedby7 cables and Canadian newses as the cable colmpanyher blocks the live news on their affiliats you will have to go directly to each stations website and this is how the web has evolved you have to use the ICANN address with no https and no www. in froint if you want to see US citiies news un redzcted or pay a candian cable to let you see it. meanwhile they charge the us and block their websites like they were a cvanadian3DTV startup and so they have no integiryt in these mnaters.
As a child who's father and friends created the Dragon den and draqgons sphiel and the dragon logo for ST georgers golf and country in the 50's the sports industry is suffering from 2D-Ism and 26 uears as a guy born in the year of the dragon who'sw father started the dragons club golf and country sports how can it be 25 yesarsw and no 3dCa cuurling shows in 3D yet in Canada . a reral car on the clubs dragons for sure , wherwe is Keven o'leary when you need him for grandfatherdragons redacted by insider trading in 2DTV cartels for 26 years we need a dragon-master to pitch thye stones in curling not a dragons den to block ne3t org in Caqnada.
every time i see the elected president signing piles of agreements i think of the of 3DCounty.comn signing agreements for humdreds of net org as they get swipped oftheir traffic and bloocked by 2D tv it is strange to see the news redat the newsw abou8r the neews redacting the web so it all goes their way. the only waqy toi travel advertise in 3d for decades blocked by 2D TV travel affil.iat6es and the crtc convergent newases for travedel shows. you figure out why i alrraqdy know iot is to own the podium come elections and redact a president they do not like.
fake news rules the AI bots gpt scripts industry . and mae it impossible for startups top make Americans great again.too.
Canada will have to open up their online TV news industry to Canadian 3DTV startups after 26 years of redactingt the entire online startup industry for it's time to make america great and this means no more monop;ies run by big tech using iCANN startups for gpt fake websies on ICANN addresses and in the newses as traffic pirace feed fakew web sites and ICANN is filterd in Canada 3DTV is waiting for 26 years for the crtc to nlicence grandfather 3DTV brands still redacted by all the kings 2DS canadian presses and interne secdurity is in the crowns hands and so they chould support the citizens and prevent monopolies in news sports travle realestate and social nets that do not have integrity. .industry to include more than 3 or 4 ig converged medias that monopolise the entire online net org as they arrive.
Justin Beiber was hacked (Justin Bieber's official website ) and I know what that means as has been hacked redacted moved and round robin catchalled , blocked by 2d tv in Canada and usa and used as a search seo and ad addressby big tech for 26 years and so aaI can understand how sociall nets postr stuff that redacts your website .
%is why is Canadian and american net org industry blockeeds by the 2D crtc ? you figure it out. i found out why 26 years ago before they went online and you shoukld know or at least guess why they block startups for head set and vr ag hd streaming tv busineses and stocks on the markwet . it I;ll give you a hint if you like. stay tuned.
AI bots now pre
-filter browsers and AI catcvhaqll bots now filter web traqffic all their way in dictatorships and it seam this is why Americans can not become great as the big techs decide who get to be found and who gets blocked and who gets blocked startups web traffic and who gets blocked as they register and launch and gpt makes bulk content for them to use instead of the ICANN address parking page and websites so as the AI b og tech bots decide who is found and whois blocked and this is not making Amerocans great it is just scalping tickets to the web startups ICANN adresses and blocking Americans great swtaertups . the most redacted 32DTelevisionhNetwork in the world. and your invited to it even if big tech do not whant you to go there it is how to make americans not found great again.
When kids watch sports they have to pay to see every game now so it's hard to watch sports if your a kid.
To make American sports great again we will have to let the churches and sports social nets run their own sports betting social nets for charity again so that the community can buy a lotery ticked or ameal and a bingo-casono at their church groups charity events same as they used to do when america was great so as to filter big tech sports betting back to the communities and the old system of locals participation in sports at a local levfgel and the org startups for all locaal sports kids actulay have a locsal social net and groups collectiuong money for the homless can living in their parks and door ways of businesses with no sports for their kids in the back seat of their car-homes and go directly to the poor without sports too, by circumvent pass big tech and go directly into the community as it used to when the sports industry was public and not converged exclusive for the next 10 years as it all foes to big tech AI caqtcfhqalls for sports big tech get to collect the charity and no longer does ma and pa run a charity bingo like they used to inthe old days they jusdt have big tech online sports gambeling and no jobs for church groups for kids and sports in swports as it isall scalpers terotory now andf ther are no ways in 26 years to launch as3DsportsChannel for one egvfent aqs the cable tv scoop up exclusives the church sports charity and camps go undeer the buss and all the wenb trafic is filterd into big tech sports gambeling sites online in 2D only it is restricking America from being great at the street level How to make #DTVSPORTS a social net generator for Sports and kids
.wehave to make America great again for small business not just for big tech AI bots and gpt bots but for everyone onh ICANN and for business and pleasure for the next 10 years in 3D Headeset metaversws for the public not just big tech. bringing you the oppertunity of a life time to get online sports in your comunity into AI a nd 3D television todaqy. befire the news game.
Chardan AIO launched a website for and spent 26 years trying to give it awayto the sports industry and nothing but big tech using the icann address and redacting the startups prlee for supprort , i launched 100 websites and gave away over 80n in 200o and none of the websites were delivered they were scalped ,. i spent 256 years trying to report the scams and trools , targteting and redaction of the startups that were scalped and i am still tryiong to give the and 3Dpentagon.comn and to the socil nets and 100% of every 3dtvchannel.comis blocked by 2D medias newsesw periodicals and targetd by big tech all day yet ther is no way to use them for sports and this goes for travel news fashion shopping and politics the web is run by AI bots filtering everthing into big tech and bklocking 266 years of kids on sports in3D so you can see how important it is to make america great by opening up the web bavck to what it used to be somthing everyone can use for businhess and pleasure not blockede by big tech agenda bots scripts filtering web trffic for ads. offering 5 years exclusives to prefixes and or your own link to your sports products and streaming portals and social nets for thoes without exclusive coverasge to any sport as sports is converged like a canadian crtc industry is is a great global alternative to big tech search and seo AI bots blocking all the trafrfic for their affiliates soas to own the podiumks for sports globally onlinhe for vr hd ag and net org streaming tv for work and pleasure on a together with and org global portals for kids and sports.
even to make America great again too.
Canada is better as the USA's little sister than a state more than any state would be , after all who would your little syster woulde get Black haek Choppers and nd b beef up boarder patrols with drones and men to power up the us and Canadian border so quisk for their big brother , no state would do that and thid mskes ways to make america great and see;s fast.. so fast aand as close your neighbour hood like a good friend should be.
Where do we go to help make America great , who do we see what can we do to sustain integrity and security for business and inovastion online for eturnal addresses and business goingforward in newmedias and ways to get products and messages out so as to make america great and to open the doors to new ways to present the future using lidar vr ar ag and 3dchatai together with businesses and big tech agendas. put out this fire in business boarder barriors created to make our US and Canadian boarders safer , where dowe go to make 3DTVBusiness.comm ent org better than reruns online and how de we help create wealth and security for the US , what do we do to help Canadian news medias will not help and the world of sports and investment will not help but in spite of this we are ready to help make america great as everone know what is good for ucle sam is good for you and long didtance from canada and the usa is good on one number and this makes America great for years ..
?? we waqwnt to kick ass too!
Let the startups oppressed by big tech AI bot algorythems pitch in and help from the bottom up tyis time instead of the top down and set the imprisioned dot coms free from big sociallhets that redact for decades good startuos for business and jobs. and let the small startup help from the ground floor and up to the moon and mars. of and 3DTVNews all whant to know how to list on your stock markets so that USA gets rich , how do we aces your big techs ans social nets and broadcast in 3D with nour 26 years online in experiances how do we help the internet and inhtRAnet be great again and have integirety it is obvious thye new medias have their own agenda but how do we help America be great again is now everyones agenda nhot a just 2D tv social nets and AI bots.
All startups are waiting for President Trump to report the 2D TV id faking markets and redacting and and if you can not trust the fake news reports about socialhnets and metaverss started up anfd redacted by fake 2D tbv newses asall our American startups launched in 26 years are missing fromn every fake news stattion and network no mkatter what state i mofve them to or what big tech i load them on it still remains, All our us startups for 3DTV are blocked in all the Canadian and us news ande America will ne4ver be great when the news is fake and activily blocking aAmericas business from the stock markets that will nhot work topgethewr to make AQmerica great.
January 20, 2024
Today is the day , the wolrd will see the wrath of the president as we witness the spanling of the presses.
How can anyone make America great when you can not go to the presses or to your politicianans report bullying andt argeting online of the handycapped by boig tech Softaware cakking itsel f AU. After 26 years of being redavted by the 2D press together with their social nets oit will be a struggle for any president to any department of corrections or any judge to book them as they ownthe podium locksxtock and firewall.
Good luck to thord eho sattrempt it as I figure 25 years ago the5e is no hope it would take a miorifcdal to reprogramm a full scale AI bot run 2DTVCoup.when you can not go to ther press in sa frre press vountry for 25 years and expect good results.
Www.3DPresident of January 20, 2025
Good luck to those who attempt it as I figured 25 years ago the the press is fake and stealing traffic with the big tech online pretending s9 it all goes to scalpers so no hope it thaat they would fess up and report bullying of the presses in the presses as they are in too deep to do it by themselves and I can't budge them . Then who can is moot. so that now, it would take a mirical to reprogram a full scale AI bot consortium of 3rd to 52 parties AI bots to free the presses from a global full scale 2DTVCoup.when you can not go to the press your press the entire press from periodical tabloid to the radio in a free country where the press is and has integrity and the faculties and intent of open press and realy it if fakes because they were told to by big tech who glean the web of ICA NN startups soti all goes their way in the presses for 25 years and expect good results.
How can you make America great again with a fake press and news eery day year in and out broadcasting sio it all goes their way everysingle story they do not whim to redact.???
I am handy-capped but the invictusgames inspires the effort to try and some time the handy capped can STAND TALLer than those who have it easy and sit on peoples works and I am here to help the new president of Americaan busiensses and Canada's big brother and it's boarders soon to be one in syncy .
Please if you need a metaverse or a social net for a podium in non fake news like a net org to make your point that the press is fake then I stand pritty tall for a handycapped person and you can clim on my shoulders if that means any thoing in your dimentions.
Www.3DPresident of January 20, 2025
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