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Look on sky tv news reports on Bing!.The medias redact every part of fopr decades and will report anything , anyone, any where , any tim,e but they will not report it is 3DTVTime.vom on the from 3DCOUNTY>com for decades thyis is called international interfearance in politcs and when you caan not trust your news or TV integrity then your taken off the shelf of security too. With no way to report it to thew press w2ho willnot reoport they are doing this means your off thne chart too..
Canadians fixed their boarder with black hawks and drone armies of men and lickty-split. I figured it out your domain is subject to dot com slavery laws and if you move to another egistrara and are followed and taken off the shelf every place in the world you host then your returned to the same registrar you rasn away from and are put back on thewir ranch then you are returned like a runnaway slave and this is why they take you off the shelf as your dot ocm is sold to slasvers web startyp domkain slavers who take you off the sshelf ofr fredomn and liberty and return you to the place yiu were first farmed out to. show this but it wass tajkedn off the shelves by 23d social nhets decades ago, .
Only buy goods that are Warrantied as good in Canada and the USA?. and make the americas grewat means nothing when your taken off the shelves anyways by thye sasme medias telling you to by Canadianh?? IN order to strengthen Canadian inter provincial trade in Canada the ONtario and Calgary Quebec philisopphy of takeing competitionh off the shelf soas to have a one of only supplier of innovation has got to change and every time theae provinces whant to opwn the podium and take competition or inovation off the shelf andput theirs only on the market is got to be stopped as 26 years 100% of every web startup is blocked by Canadian press as they teaam up with 2DTV to own the podium America is in the same boat as , blocked by people in powers seeing to it you are taken off the shelf interprovincialy and internationaly so thery can have it all their way and this is not freedom or liberty or busienss that can be sustained. taken off the Torontop shelf )search toronto on and only the 2D TV and their social nets get6 to run the country by fake news for 26 years the result is a trade war with the USA as they can not ointegrte with a country that evfery time they do not get thewir owwn way thre take their football away from the gamwe nd go home so the game is over for inovsatiopn or copmpetition as they sport of redaction top clear a path to 1 only newqs media nd the fake content and this is not making america great it ias making america communits.
taken off the shelf
, like a bottle of booze or a pipeline , by a few 2D TV media cartels calling them selves the most popular news in Canada (under a monoply of 3 or 4 2D TV consortiums)
No way to give anyone a break in a closed news and business consortium taking over internet streaming news startups decades late but as bullies there no way to make Americas great.
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IN 2022 All of my resellersclub domains and mydomain and networksolutions and several other global web domains were no longer on the shelf when searched or brpwserd and the registries were taken off line and inn 2024 even putting them on cleaqrlake and markmonitor and of (MarkMonitor provides brand protection, anti-piracy, and domain-name registration services for a variety of Big Tech industry giants and other companies when their accounts are taken off the shelf in Ontario or Calgary then we have to stop web traffic piracy another way, 26 yeaers of the same old same orl web traffic pirsacy and the best of the best can not help because the press have taken you off the shelf.
0 big tech viset all day and some times 10 to15 times per second and thhey crawl my cloud and servers files for pirates and even this huge security compnaay set up to protect all it's clients brands can not get the 2D TC monoplies to put your iCANN domain name back on the shelf of their 2DS swociallnet metaverses and so how could america be great when markmonoitir can not find the websites insearch it protects.
26 years and 100% of every net org is gagged and taken off the ashe3lf to won ton a mo canada bay and no way top use their met6averses otr search engines or5 n4ews medias ot politicians to look into ways of launching a with or wihtout gtambeling on it in Canada makeazs then a barrior to makeing Amwreica and greafgtt in 26 years the game is riggesd so it all goes their way and when they take you off the shelf for 26 years i6t does not makw america great it makes Canada thwn a hippocrate and is not treating USA fairly is gagged and taken off the shelf for 26 years is unable to be jheard on 2D TV and so there is no way to makw3e merica greast wqhe4nt there are diczastorship mediasw w3iling to take americans north an dspouth off the shelf for se3crert insiders and betwe4en provinces ot intwerenationsaly is blocked by a 2DS consortium out ot undo innovation and business and creating a barrior while faking they are taking it down.
The news medias will make deals with big tech and search engines sportsw musentertainment and politics and block whom they whimk so as to own the podium they will vreate bvbaqrriours to inovfation and block like it was a terrorist for 26 years they will not tell yiou they are doing it and so to make america using the 2D crtc is impossible and so there is no waqy ti use the press as they are biast for 26 years they are in baqcdfk of seeing to it they are not open to businesds ion a vfirtuasl way.
NO way to husband a new innovatuon in a closed 2D TV cartell out to get every siongle innovsation go their wsay in 2D and they never promi9sw to fix healthcare and homlesness in 3D is proof they are fake and so They7 can traqsh presidents of 3DSTV and countries and take4 them off their shelvesd in provionces with voting monoplies and thtere is no wasy even a reining monachark can maske the 2D TV newse s tell the ruth aqnd this is an interprovincia barriouyr that has spread globakly and so there is no way to use the press to make america greart when they are trying to make amer9icas thir [podoim and they take anything they want off the shelf like it was a bottle o9f booze.
back to the 3d tv channel with ads evfery 5 minutes ewhen it iss uposed to and always was seaamlell streming video and so there is no sesawmles vbideo just 2d tv ads breaks and no way to make America great when aqnd 3DTVSpoortsa,cin and and all the 3DTVCanada.comn sites are
As the 3DPresident of and net org tv channels and teken off the shelf and tagged and gagged by 2DTV business and news tv monopolies for decades maiking Canada go all their way is not helping anyone but the 2DTVcoup and their stuff on their shelf they did not take down .
Stay tuned this is
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The human body is made of stardust and it;s dirt contains billions of attoms of hydrogen, carbon, helium copper and salt plus electrons as atoms abound ,
each proton and nutron one is for you!
inside each proton and electron are tiny groups ofr quarks some groups are ups and some are down but they all are compised of microquarks some up and some down.
They also are all for you!
The Universe how can there be a 1 star that is yours when they are ALL for you!
If this is true then I am there could be 2. , 2000.
2D TV's top news tech is chatGPt fake content as they fake the news about and redact unrelentlessly 100% of every 3DTVBrand launched in 26 yeasrs they make deep fake news look stupid.
Real fake news will always top fake news tech reports of fake news when it;s fake doingt it sso as it all goes their client's way.
is to show up in the wrong place at the right time. 12/7/2024