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PebisciteCanada.com and plebisciteusa.com were launched in 2000 so that politicians could get a break and help them feel out election platforms before elections but alas, 25 years later and we are still, a 2 dimentional TV debate democracy and a public who have never been weened off of 2D tv podiums and tdate ever since electinsare doe with no plebiscites on them and there are no plebsictites ever for the subjects the 2D Tv platform ask since m and ther ae no local 3DTVChannels.com t have a 3 Dimentional poltca debaate or a DTVCHat.com sould launch in a 2D Tv platform flay worls.
f you whant to be a 25 year old 3dtvchannel.com with the electin u=issues on a 3Dlocalyv online then the I'll vote for that anyday and then go to disnyland.br.
and so these social onlie plebiscite startups on the net were never usd even today no pre election plebiscites on anythig any mre just a few 2d tv newsws and their social net politics pals not a head set show for poiticians in 25 yearsng figure i get stuck reporting it. Is AI a good thing or bad thing?
After launching social bullitian board AI scripts for point of sale online and messaging for decades I have to sk , who decideds the 3DTelevisionnetwork.com and all the 3DTVCHannels.com launched over the last 25 years by 3DCounty.com are to e 100% redacted from the 2D news's what is that court do all day after they redact a person for 25 years and their works are used for ad sales who d you look to for this decision and how do you contsct them when they are mistaken and just witch hubting for the money that can make turing in bulk ICANN addreses as ssuspicious and then hosting the villiamns wh are dos attacking, so as to force off line startuos for 3DTV and use AI bots to filter the web traffic into catchalls for clients ads. an how is a web site tageed for traffic suspicion after 25 years of complaing that this is web traffic piracy ad not a safe place for socil data to be colleected and stored with AI bots working for pirates is not the place to keep yiur emergency and international news and mediac or educationa data dn AI bots that work for ttraffic pirsates disgi=uised as suspicious threat police is the court that decides and ICANN sddreses fake whe used as an addres for busiens and plesure religion and news, whaty is the namne of the consortium that sits in judgement tht the courts use how can every new startup be suspicious too and why is it used as suspicious when it is not even ;aunched yet hundreds of ads appear in 30 days .
www.3DJournals.com www.3DCOUNTY.com Tm 2024
www.3Dpresident.com of 3DCounty.com tm 2000
How do you find out who is in back of this AI bot scipt wrighting witch hunting intent while backed up by the 2d tv news and medias that are also blocking 100% of 3DTVCanada.com 3Dtvsports 3DTVtravel 3dtv.news and then steal and i,edialty dcal[ 3dtvneww.com and i an stuck with the net and org is not even news then what is the defimition of 3dtvstartups.com if ther is no way to use the 2d tv news or their podium for Canadians3DTVBusiness.com startuo as the traffic is preemptivly slen and then blocked when launched on intrAnet node thaat is owned by the same mega corps that block the 3drealtv.com st artuyos too. a structural firwall fr 2DTVBrands.com ever making the st9ock market or launching stores?
how can a social network browser for a 3dsearchchannel.com laumch when it is pre-emptivly usd as a searh weord when launched and then blocked therafter internationaly when serched and why d thje preses redact this news if the webstire is for 3DTV and headsets in 2000 or 2024 and how can yiu ;ist on a stock market when yiur redacted in secret and the news is fsaking the rewports on investment in 3D head sets since Y2K and when for 25 yesars all investment in 3DTVNet.ca startups are launched and then relaunched and for 25 yeara and are stil getting locked by the news when they report the same Ai scriptys blcking at quantum speeds and covring their tracks is not impossible at light speed but gping on a quantum speeds in the dark web wher they block 3DTVCAnada.com 's every staruos. and 3DTVCanada.com 3DTVCHannelAmerica.com stil beeing blocked by 2d and whil to be stiffeled and the traffic sold as pirated products to advertside on when it is an ICANN address because they are suspcious , and what is the name odf the group that block 3DTV.news pf web traffic piracy for 25 years and why 3DTVbramds.com and not other startuos for head sets getting blocked and gaged by the 1d preses cartels and why s it impossible to participate in poltcal adversting n 3D sports in 3f shoppimngin 3d and fashion on d for 25 yesars why are all the 3DCopuyrightTV.com ner orgs redacted in the prewss when they are robbed and branded ovder and why are all the 3DTVCanada.org startuos blocked and why is it because i am dissabeled or is it because the big tech can so they do as i report every christmas the theft of ICANN doamin startus traffic and 3DWorrldWideWebTV.com is blocled in every socil network onlime when it report this 25 year reality for 3drealtv.com and 3dreality tv.com so who judges wether a startup is suspicious and gets blocked and the traffic gets sold to whom decision a judge iternational oltician . the 2d television news or the world wide web police and why does it taske 25 years for a head set stsrtups to ;aiuch a 3dstrwamingsports.com i Canada when theentire canadian soacial nt uses the ICANN addreesses as an advertising key word for 25 years , how does this fate get attached to every singe 3DTVCHannel.com to launch for 25 years is it s committe or a group that meet every year is it a law somwhere thay 3dtv web intRnet startups are bloce and used for ad sales or is t just the way it worked out for 25 years you can not launch in asia europe a,mericas and canada evwen Australia so whyu who makes this decision and what is the name of the commitiy i would send a lawer to sue of ther was a thng called ICANN startuos discrimination in 2d that yu could charge some gropu woth or is it just too bad the web blockes yourweb so who makes this decision and who s=decides to let this situation fly for 25 years igboring the crys for security when you ;launch a new 3dtchanel and it is blocked becaue soe AI software fo8und it suspicious for 25 years and what is the name of this consortium of AI script rule makers and how do you cmplain to the world when the press are in on o9t too and when fake search results are using yiur bramnd new 3dtvxhannel for 25 yesrs what can you do and wgo do you approach wheh your bl0ckwed for mahr sirts and electuons by suspicious AI scripts the brwsers and searches use to get ad reveneues are gnord for 25 yesars o soa s they can sell of ads in .? seconds like 2dt5vtoronto whwn searched on 3Dseearchchannel.com illistrte and why , whp decised that 25 years is how long to stiffel 3DCounty.com socil networking stsartuos for 3DTVSports and 3DTRavelTV and 3DTVCHat.com investments th sti ok market? , How do you oint ut tht the electin is a 2d tv show and not constitutionaly available to 3dtvbeu8siness.com for headset metaverse socil networkinbg same as any 2d or 3d tv channel the big tech now launch but qho decided 125 yeaers 100% of 3dCopyrightTV.com net org tradic is pirated and used for ad sale and why all the 3dtvchannels.cok i launched werefound and flagged a ssuspicious in CAnada and use searches for 25 years , inb short who sad so and why this si the dark web at work a dark ages for 3dtelevisinnetwork.com for sure but how can this have happened ina fgree marker regulated bvy paid governmnert regulators in tv and why 25 years was 24 years not ecought time to pwn the podium?
www.3DVPOlitics.com 9 10, 2024.
I remenber (11 and this was the day 3DTVCa.co was blocked and domain started to be stolen and ever snce blocked by 2d tv and in 2008 they went off the radar so who is in back o this international covwer uo ? religipusly and politicalyt , in business and pleasure and 3DJournals.com online for 3DStores.com or 3Dcounty.com socil networking when redacted internbationaly and secretly blocked by some press gag is goingon who do you see to finbd out why and who saif so. this is a 25 year international news story and it ia redadtwd so why a who gets ro redact this ind of news , the press or the courts. and who s you seee to fobd out what suspicious means and hgow cab anbynbe be suspoicious for 25 years ?
stay tuned as we have nothing to do whil we are blocked by all the leaders men and so we try to finbd out stuff like what does a 25 year old eductional busines and script writing web programmer do to fnd out what suspicious means so my web stsarttuos can list onb the stock market like all the other rainder can lauuch and play onb 3DCopyWriteTV.com shows for 3D head sets for 25 years in CAnda?
www.3DPresident.com of 3DCounty.com 3DTVCHannelAmerica.com 3DCA.com .
www.3DTVPress.com Tm News FLASH! from the dark web, a 3DCounty.com news report
we are located in www.3DCounty.com VANCOUVER CANADA www.3DCANADATV.com 3DCA.com www.3DCopyright.com Tm, ARE Privately owned and can be contacted through our mailing address CharDan A I ltd 1988 - 2023, All adminDTelevisionnetwork.ca a www.3DTVCHannels.com Tm and ALLRIGHTS RESERVERD. COUNTRY(s) OF ORIGINE VANCOUVER CANADA & USA. PROPERTY OF www.3DCounty.com VANCOUVER CANADA, contact admin.3DtelevisionNetwork.ca Tm a a www.3DTVTradeMark.com Tm www.3DTVCHannel.us Tm www.3DTVCHannel.uk Tm for other advertising information on www.3DTVCHannel.ca www.3DTVCHannel.us who is record for advertising and contact information a WWW.3DTVNET.CA WWW.3DTVCHannel.COM LICENCED FOR DISPLAY ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE EXHIBITION OF THIS WEBSITE AT YOUR device. MUST BE ERASED IMMEDIATLY AFTER. .ALL TRADEMARKS, SERVICE MARKS AND COMPANY NAMES ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. 49, 53, 6, 11, 50, 2023, 3, 7, 1