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Automotive industry, Television industrym AI high tech industry. forien owned social nets and online shopping mega verses search and briwser even 3D entertainmnet and banking all get closed makets nd full support from the social net pltforms and news medias even dens f dragns get investment acess on 2d tv for decades special trertment blocks one had nd yet imports nerly everything they sell from a country that eery one else is penalised for s=doing busiens with and as some are blocked ofr internet startuos in countries that are flip[ flop sanctioners protec5ing heri markets from forin onvestment the badk door allows special tarrifs and taxes and the moneys dom not gp to the trades they protect unless they ar one of the "special eg insiders that alrwady own most id nt all thw comoetitin and so one group gwet to import and sell from a country that the other Canadian are ostrosised and redfacyted from doing busiens because of politics and so Canada b;ocks and redact 100% of 25 yesrs of Canadian abd us 3DTVBusiness.com netn 9rg staaruos and efnb the starttuos int the countries that othr canandoan firms still do busiens withth so that some companies are blocked from the web whil other carry on busineslike it was every other day and so thewris a divide in intwgrityu and the righta to do busiens free fromn dicriminationb and so the questiuon s what sport of protection is the governmnet gicing CANAdian3DTV.com startups and whyis 3DTVCAnad.combot protectyted with medias taxes on comnpetitionb8nb 3D head set medias onine when all th others are not and what ias the purpose of blockinbg cars and YTV starttuoa nd manufacturing and Canadian content from 3DVirtualTV.com to 3DRealeststechabnel.com and why are the 25 yesrs redactedd inb the 2d business world wile other arw giviwen grants and an open dooir protecion frim Canadian and their stsartuos and who is im bac of the 100% news covberup of all these 3DTVCHannels.com and what do i do with 3DTVBrands.comwhen the protection for thise Canadan and us astaruos is b lcked by the protecrion of the Canadian and us conpetitiob buries while other busiens are protected and givwen a sivwr plkatter .
When AI can help some compnaes and block other f insiders what can yiu do with 3DTV iCANN addreses that are scalped on the dark web amnd blocked in the open press for insdiers and protected industries and who decides who gets protected and whater rthe protection money goes.
Whta is the world doig to protect ICANN business from AI mega insiders and government sanctions for some whie alowing every day busiess for others at the same timwe just because they have an expencive lobby behind them and why is it so important for 2D tv to pown the podium and block 25 years of 3DTVStores.com and 3D TV jobs and today as they block 25 years of 32DTVSports.com for head set stsaruos they have been blocking for 25 years already when do the stop blocking 3DTVBUsiness.com net org statuos in head sert innovationb and new industries that are still blocked becauwe ther is no way to use them when 100% of the 2 Dtv news is tryinbg and vyinbg to own the podium and nevr mentions they are the problem and they are just an ec=xrention of the same AI and social nets they uset to tweek the publicm into thinking ther is n 3DTV in Canda when tye is no way to use a 3DTVCopyright.com for 25 yesrs becaue to the inside protection of 2D TV over the air and not that the 2D TVC ovr the air i just anothiern stming wrb site that charges for contnt how do ytu startyo9 i=up 2d years of ICANN busies onb a cloes 2d tv cartell clling iself an consortium. what vprotectionb do CAnadian and ameriacs hac ve from a closeed consr=ortiu,m amd the acess to their podiums.
when will busiens online get trhe same insode protection as the fre the socio nets use as affilatw and why is it impossible to 3DTVCHAt.com and launch 3DSpotsCHannel.com ina 2D canadian press for 25 years do you need a lobby group t be part of the Canadian socil nwet too?
@% years and I guess the intent is to block all the 3DTVCAnd.com startups for 3D and let them get scalped off to forien billionares as ther is no intent of the Candian prwss letting a 3DTVCAnada.com network launch in Cand and start uo 3DTV for CAnad and ther is no intebt of the USA leting a new 3DTVCHAnnel.com launch inb the us and Canbda and i GUr-ess the intent is to let the world goby in 2D on2d soas to scalp on the dark web the trafic to the ICANN ddmains and block 3DTVSports.com for 25 yers else it would not be part of the AI scripyts that do it at a pre-emptive rate and the inbtenbt is to let pessant launch 3DTVCHannels.com in CAnd and then scalp the trafi and block the startuos or 25 years aso i get stuck reporting it, and when i do it does not good come elections. and so this must be the intent becaus3 forn 25 yeaars that is allo they happens every year every new year new launches and new internwt b=ockinbg mettos to prevent 3DTVSports.com and 3dBusinesTv.coim and this is nt a mistyake ns Ai does nbto make mistsale=ke just people progrmminbg do and so i guess the progerammers have orchestrated and 2Dimentional platform toe0 block 3D and sp what does the world do wirh 3DTVCAnda.com when a CAnadoan can do nothiugb for 25 yearsw withgthe entire indstry becaywe the AI is too smart to lety a single 2D tv news is not a faake 2D tv platform;s news onine. why is this not a scil net itself 3DCounty.com is 35 years blocked by al the 2D tv meidas nd their affiliate social nets and not s sngoe record on any files on any video or nmention of a single 3DTVBrand stolen blocked or gaged in 3DSportsCHannel.com news for decades a 2D closed platforem blocks 3DTVCAnda.com busiens onine and goes shoppng on 2d on affiliatds taxes and all so as to own the podium nd elkectiosn in 2d, else they wpuld not do it and report the electins in 3D for the 25th years we have a 2D tv political system for 2d in2d on2d soas to keep all rhe canandisn and theor timmies in their well hpw can a erson even have a pacicious colum on a 3DTJourbals.cpm and not bw=e part o the 2D latfrms for busiens www.3DMovieCHanne;.com scripyt in tyhe making and it is no mistsake when yur 3DFaces.com is defaced by 2D ome uppins for 25 years and discriminagted gainst all the way right in front of the 2D tv news . so i night as well hold a plebiscite as t who shouod sgteal all the qeb traffic and gt all the ICANN trade names and s3DTVShow titles and new 3DTVJournals.com and web magazines and vidip streaming 3dtv startuos as it seeem Canda does not whant any party od the future and all the other countries can bot wait to get thei hand on 3DTelevisinb headset mnegaverse snther s no wauy to use these busiens here in VAncouver blciked by 2d tv platforms and politics calling eachother he said they7 said she said i dain=d politics in 2d so may be the 2d chats can chst ablut 3dtvchat.com and ehgy 25 yeards and ever elections os a proms tp fox healcsre and creat home and jobsin 2d why can;t we do all thei promising to stop global warming and wqrs in 3D too . why just 2d pacicious journalism and no 3dtvjournl=als.com for 25 years i get to ask why am i spammed phone cslled all day and dos attacked bhy netsol and petalsoft and why does russia use all my band withs looking for porn and why does search thinbk i am suspicipus i am out right obnoxious too some tomes so what why is 3DTVCanada..com jobs and busiens gaged by te cryc news triads we all know what they are selling and it is no a dry cleaner on the main ste-reet any more s why do we need a CRTC for internet 2D tv mono,lies to use to block 3D onb their news and lobby for taxes in and moneey to do this as all they whanbt is to ownb the intenrwt as a poldium and care not for 3DTV technology innovation and jobs fo9r 25 years they ourt source it and block it here in our cutues wth 2D tv megaverse onpine and their AI scriots on socil nets crwat problems while 3DTV sets redactd inbternationaly costing politics secrecy and the integerity of ICANN addressess obine as we all become plain doyts -1 to use to steal theri traffic and sell on the dark web whle the 2d tv news cover for ths platforms AI bots...
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www.3DPresident.com of 3DCounty.com 3DTVCHannelAmerica.com 3DCA.com .
www.3DTVCAnada.com open for redaction by the CAndian press as always no way to report it unless you do it your self.
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