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AI is unable to authenticate itself
for 2 weeks 3DAINEWS.COM is going to expire and the “tayklor Swift “ ticket scalping registrars mofia are going to scalp it over to some huge domain registrar affiliatrte and flip it back to me at an outragios scam, set up to expire your domain to their adfter market they have been using to milk thee web traffic from you startup using AIO from the moment you registerd it from their fake intent converges remains of the webs oindependant domain registrars they glean for trophy domain addresses that can draw more then a 1000 hits a day like thwey wer din and bradatreet picking off milionares for their 3rd part clients that own sports and politics again . imagin , just imagin , I get stuck reporting it authenticaly as it hapens .
Meanwhile AI and all the dominions 2D pressown the podiums of the world wide web, that is is all unhautenticatedable using AI bot service support stand alone as I can not authenticate any authority in these matters or get jurisprudence who can so the Dominion is at risk .
How do you log in to a migrating account on a terminal , without a cell phone, text messging or a social net email account and get a suportless app that is endless ly emailing you to renew before deleton while it fails to recognise by anything but emogiy id patternstext or 72 hours email that is does not recognise after 24 hours to athouracte a temporat pas loop or by text message aproval or a social net web email address when you have none and all you need was a pass word in 12 hours orit locks your account etc, for your account and in order to long in you need to authenticate support peron who identifies you anhd fixes it but the AI blocks you untill you log scam and no one is in the person and process in charge to do it.
I have proven yet again how it is possible to launch a web tld and impossible to use AI for news and authentic information authentification yet again as the election is 2D has out prime minister in framce and englang and in 2d is ither unaware of this or is being scammed too and no one can do anyhting because thts the way the web pirates stuff on the dark web no one authenticated yet is in bacdk of this AI scam www.3DchatAI.com reprots on the 3DTVTechReport.com how AI uis no good for Authentification aqnd no 2D TV news will authentify this 3drealTV,com message as they are 2Dists in news and I do nokt haIii authennticazte a AI election script or pole or even post a VR or AI thing on my 3DTVCanda.com when the registrar is a robot service support with no phone land line just bits of coined AI email loops and excuses as tho their ineptness at authentification and i can not authenticate domain names but the AI script can tease me in biligual same as in 2007 for 2 weeks fakeing they are doing this very thing as a favour and good scout and hideing behind AI so as to see it done while there is no way to report this even to a tabloid in England or France ot to the electuon police, sinced i report AI phones scamming the NDP data base in 2000 election and since i gotr my first million web visitors back then
IN 2000 I walked into my communkjity policing office with a memory chip wand stick and i announced to all the officers in the room that i was going to demnostrate how a jasnitor could walk in with one of these sticks into anywhwere and fake he was empting garbage cans so as to slip it into a police usb port and steal data and witht their permission i was an actor born with a roloe and so i showe them the memort stick kand how it wqorked and i never needed to pretend it was a janitor as they omedisltly got the picture and thasnks me and shood me out ( they are always bussy with bigger problems in real timje) so here i am 26 yeasrs latewr still beeing scammed by the same scammers only thyey are using AI now and can not be authenticated when your stuck in a AI 24 to 72 hour autrheentificstion BOTS firwall script instead oif customer servcieses .
IN all these 26 years , i have millions of followers (search above "follow")
3dpresident.com my authentification for 3DAINEWS.COM Magazine so stay tuned folks there is amways more to come,
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doug my contact info is the registry from 3dtvchannel.us and safe but these names are in a v4 account at GHangi.net and they have discontinued v4 and locked the names away from my access their AI is so unpractical that it takes 72 hours by email to authenticate and the speciaql number reply is only good for 24 hours and so you can not authenticate as they have no huimans avalable for weeks i caan not renew expiring domains and in the past when registers conveerge like web.com did i get doamins stolen as the migration locks me out of accounts the converging registers use to block domains they want to glean friom migrating accountsw as they expitre ,
So, if you have any ideas as to how to get these domains before the sell them to some higedomains registrar whnt eh they are offerd back to me a scalpers prices if you know how to curcomvent this 26 year old repeact converge and upgrade plaform swcam please contact 3dtvchanel.us and me . asao as 3DAInews.com is blocked from any AI software theyrun to authenticate me and my names i siur could use some on at my back as the entire Canadian press look the other way when youlaunch a 3DCounty.com stasrtup in my metaverses and the big techs end up scalping my names back to me only to have this hasppen again the next time they convertge i irealy do need a methoid oif finding out how where when and who can have my back atthis particular time.
www.3TVTime.comn is 26 yeaers aiting fror a hopme o the silk road anhd still being readated every stop on the globe it is nh9ot you8r ]every day request to free 3DAInews.com is a one time deal when it is blocked from renewal by an AIO run registrar wioth nho h8umans available but you should already ]know all this if youy can help
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2 3DTVCHannelCHina.com is manufactured in the USA so 1/2 is american and the other is Canadian 3DPresident.com 3DCounty.com www.3DTVCHannel.cn nevber workd as it is not. Thu Mar 27 15:57:46 2025 841532 followers
www.3DTVCHannels.com Tm Headquartered on Vancouver Canada, California and Arazonna plus Europe and Asia weaare 3DwWwTV.com metaverse for stereo headset 3dTVBusiness since 2000 ; ALLRIGHTS RESERVERD. COUNTRY(s) OF ORIGINE VANCOUVER CANADA & USA.
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so every day I have to email a registrar who doesa not speak english when the ai ois conviently switching subject and satalling so the 3dtvcanada,.com domain expire and the entire account isblocked while the Canadian election in 2D redacs 3DTVCanada for yet another election (some web magazine when you can even get the registrar Aito authenticate itself with a humnn whwo has a drivers licence ans a job in customer support to explain that for 3 weekls or more the authentificatin AI softwarwe keep emailing me that my domains are expiring and that it diea can not authenticakeme so I can not log in .
The AI whants to do a migration while I waite fior it to authenticate and log me oin so I have to waite 24-72 hours for this authentification and aproval to authenticate so this ia fraud and so AI is of no use in authentifivcation .
The take away is
I can't go to theother registrars aor google eorr microsoft and report fake authwntificationAI scammiong ans scalping like event scalpers ICANN startuosdomanois as they launch.
or go to the police as they have nop budget ,
I can/t go to the lawers as I have no money and I can/t even get my secratarty who used to take short hand and eliverer thiss thought on a hand 6typed onveliope whil;e I practiced putting so as to land a deal for 100 mx=-80 dot matrix printers any more as I can not makwe doime with a 1/100 ICANN startups for 3D VR and ar as this is now called AI and so it is now ruloing and the only jurisprudence in my office I can not communicate with as I can not aiuthenticate this AI when it authenticateass of]ver 3 weeeks and locke me out of my 3DAINEWS.COMnaccount and rteases me in bilinguial allthe qay to the scalpers block while there is no autentcated or police or politicians or most of alll to take away thre is no honest news media or pres in #D to tell of this as 3DAINEWS.COM Can not authenticate the registers support department so as to periodicaly post a provate anything when it is locked out by fake AI and scalpers unleased.
What whoul;d you do if you were the big tech incharge of this AI authentification scam faking authentification and judicating online while and stealing web traffic so it all goes their way during the Canadian 2025 election seeing to it domains are stolen bt fake authentifiacation AI scripts thaaat are possibly bata too, and no way to use Canadian press to report it is a scammed and 3DAINEWS.COM 3DAInews.com get s6tolen and scalled by A is the news i get stuck with and stuck reporting this too and tht is 3DTV.news on 3DAINEWS.COM not politics but history in 3DTelevision politics and i am stuck reporting it. in data mine shafte server from hell and with it's 3DAINEWS.COM net org unable to recognise the owner of 3DAInews.com or authenticate mje by email for 3 weeks during a 3dchatai.com cyber squatting attack by AI itaself using it's 3rd p[arty quantum friends to now cyber squat at almost the speed of light at whim.
MY bank does not anthenticate my payment for my phone bill too so it was cut off and the best part is the customer support put me over to the accounts manager who declined the poayment and it was the voice of Optomus Prime who authoitarly stated in a loud clear voice " Your payment has been declined" , ohh it was great . stay tuned.
3dpresident.com of www. 3DAINEWS.COM authenic and all.
* TVPIN links *
www.3Dpresident.com , 2000.
is to show up in the wrong place at the right time.
3DJournals.com Thu Mar 27 15:57:46 2025
, 820903
820904 Tue Mar 25 11:59:35 2025 - -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 --- /?%3E=%20www.3DStores.org/wp-content/~ @ ~
, 820904
1 Tue Mar 25 11:59:35 2025 - -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 --- /?www.3DTVBrands.com/wp-content/~ @ ~
, 1
2 Tue Mar 25 11:59:35 2025 - -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 --- /?www.3DTVBingo.com/wp-content/~ @ ~
, 2
3 Tue Mar 25 11:59:35 2025 - -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 --- /?www.3DSuperbowl.com/wp-content/~ @ ~
, 3
4 Tue Mar 25 11:59:35 2025 - -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 --- /index.cgi?%3E=%20www.3DBroadcastingNetwork.com~ @ ~
, 4
we are sorry but the following 3DAINEWS.COM channels are locked out of their registrar and they do not recognise our log in any more so it looks like resellers, mydomain , register, networksoplution and weeb along weith cvlear lake , " can't long in " time agains and so doamins will expire while lockede out due to ai and they will be scalped on the dark afterweb and gp up for flipping actuipon but get sold witht heir original startup dates to some huge domains webswite like the others as the regisrars an go dopwn withthe new presweses who knew t6his was web piracy on the silk road,
the folloing names are locked for no goodse resaon as AI mitigaste a sale of a registrar the starttups are enslaved and put on a sweat shop hopt wehre they genorate web traffic for the data plantation owners same as in the 1700's only not the dot com stsartups are enslaved by the AI bots who mitigate what traffic goes to whom .
meanwhile i am l;okked out of 32dtvgcanda.com and we have a 2d tv election comming up for 2d politics and ad revenues in 2d ads somthingt phishy for sure. stay tuned www.3dpresident.com of 32detvcanada.com
repoting the kiod napping of 3dAInews.com control panel by AI scripts
the following are looked out at this particular time and no way to communicate with a defunked registrars Ai bot scripots to fix it stay tuned fgor all the action
www.3DTVSEX.com with no sex on it is a website for 3DDR.com to use
If there is anyohne who has had their domains locked out by Gandi.net and migrated them from v4 to v5 please help me .