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for my entire life i have sen humans polout the worlds environment with the attitude of some one in the future wilol have to clean it up , but hey how about that the future is now we are not the future who is supposed to clean up the pasts garbage and polutitonh that ios unloess ther futue still has not arrived , well may be tomorro is the day the future gets here and the people of the fruture face the garbgage and polution of the past and cloean it up to same the life pof the planets ecopsystem.
A simple test of democracy .
every time the governments meet to discuss AI it gets wors and vyber attacks to chardan increase and it never stops because Ai is readiting before it launches. google4 has to be imbarrased before it fines my starttuposd anhd then it returns to redact them by posting a catchalled page or 2 from the days when i could not itype or spell. the dsays befote mu ai script and speller's update was readted so 3DTV all goes their way
AI is used by dictatorships to dictate AI ai is used by 2DS TV to stop atreaming tv onlione AI conventions are sued to sstall;and stop all;the net oprgs CAnada and the Canadian press block all news of chardan AI repports of who whnat wher when why and how MY startups for caqrs and sw2eets an d for 3dchastAI.comare blocked and used by redit and quarum to sell ads for stolen web traffic and seo key words my domains i gave away in 200 were scalped likea taylor swift ticket , ?
Peop[lke scrip[t AIQ they always have and always w2illahnd they use ai to prevent a companuy with AI in it;s namew from doing bvusiness and so AI can steral allthe ICANN addresses and their users government doicuments and AI is used to invade orivacy and collect profriles so as t5o see to it ther is no wasay in 26 years to launch a without it beiing redacted by AI in dictatorships and the free market ther is no laws or politics that protects people withthe woird AI in theior swtartups and is no0t posible because 2SD TV ai redacts it in every 2de busienss tv even 3DSTVBusihess and 3DVirtusalTV or 3DVirtualtV are usl;ess because all the AI online used by governments and big tech is scripted to sell ads on it's ICANN ip and addreses the startups for 32DCOUNTY.cocm are redact6ed and spammed and haqwcked and branded over and not one AI evge34n trys to report iot or resque it from dictatorship AI set up to streal it's ICANN address anhd bgloclk it's asu ther are no human rights for aa 3DTVCHannel.comanhd that isa because of AI ther is no way to report scqms and international crimes online because ofrt AI ther is now to conteact a politician withopiut a lobbyist or because AI blockes you at6 the dotr. not one compnay is iontenreated in 100 3DTV oppertunities for 256 years becausde they do not have the AI yet to foir4ce startups off line withou8t AI doing it for thme and now that 2DS TV has stolen AI trafric for 26 years they deo not6 whant top chawsnge so humnans willp[rogramm AI to cyber squatt they alwaysd havbe had their AI cybwer sqwuatt and I would no6t whant tobe a politician and frace the sam0e AI a startup for 32fTVASPorts facves every day/www.32DTVTools.cojkmfor 2DTVTechreport.cfocmn and 3DSCOunty.copm3DTVstores. and all the on a 3DTVPrte3s.comfor are moot . Is AI a good thing or bad thing? Is a voice a good thing or bad thing?
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if you can't go to the 2D TV news or press as they have no integrity for 26 yesars to rport stolen web domains an d the process of stealing domains and web traffic and your profile is used by just 3rd parties they answer to, then you are in a dictatorship. is redacted so it all goes their way ius an examploe of a dictatorship inh sports, shoppingt, travel news fashion realestate anhd business how can you list on a stock market closed ot for 26 years how can evgferyone use yputr ICANN address in a couintry weith no integrity in their newses,
and faske news is not created by AI it is created by humans useing ai
CHardan Ai is redacted for making a few stupid piont of sailo scr5ipts for clients in the 1980's and launching in 2000 by 2DTV and their 3rd party AI script writers swcriopts.
Tquote Google search
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To bad the search engines and brtowsers do not respect6 a startup or aN icann doamion system and you can even payu and seo and still they AI bots canot find you for 26 years the 2D TV rely on thee fakle ICANN web traffic pirates.
26 years aand not 1 single 2DTV station or broadcasting news or entertainment station company or investment group every call mne and asked to co produce a single thing and this is not a mistake it is dicrminatiopn and redaction at it's best without Them now the have the helping hand of more fake news via AI scripts to filter real high tecfdk stock pump and dump monopoly usine fake 2DTV news thaqt redacts competition news and real people by the millions and with AI you have a media content choke hold on iunnovation and stock markets and because 26 years the news is a dictatorship in thw making we suffer the result as the top 3rd party gets to sell and scalp tickets to the future and n o one else cfasn whistle a ditty on the 2DTV politics is moot.
26 yearsAi has been used to funnel all the web traffic it can into one or 2 mega medias so as to get a taylor swift one stop cash grab for the scalpers when even the artist is not getting as much for the tickets they sell and so the artists are redacted and thrown aside with no medias ther to catch them they are forgotten and a new one is spoon fed stolen ICANN traffic for this is the pattewrn for 26 years in 2D so it all goes one way to 2 or 3 mega newses and and no one else can sell ticket sales for everyone ell's medias and ptess are gone redacted by the help of AI and the trades are dryed up.
26 years is a long time to watch fake news reprot, thanks to hum,an scripts aqnd point of sales missing all the AI onhline is scripted to block startups , and and 3DStores,cion even in Caqnada the news blocks cyber attack reports froom, magazine, and not one sponcer inh decades is because AI saee to it thers no way to even find it usiong browsers or 2DTV business dragins dens as they all pretend ther is no metaverse for they open up for thier 3rd parties a silk road that is full of AI ambushing investers sdcripting filters to block anhd ell web traffic so as to redactto whom they will point their beta tests and who is to steasl gtovernment data snd who gets 3rd party profile content or to steal web content and sell it as markeitng data.
AI is used to piont traffic at 2D TV faske newses.
with news neing fsked to redact it is cyber attaced and never reportd and dthis is not ai it is the news medias doi9ng it and helped by AI 26 year4s is a long time to block anhd 3DStores.comj but weiththhe help of AI it is a snap.
. gagged for covid by AI.
the 3dtvchannel.comstartups as seen Aiused to attack and redact every singl43 show and every AI summet or news contnet also redacts 100% of CHanrdanAI because it has the words AI in the company name and the company has been progamming apps forAI messaging for over 40 yesars and every single script written for ai internet traffic sees to it asll the websites and magazines l;aunchwd in a 26 year old websitew for sportsa travel nhews fashion is used for search and seo proffits and the AI is only taaking instriction fropm peop[lke and governments andnot intelegent enough to rep[ort CHardan AI is 26 years under attackl by gig tech AI sacriotsa that are out tio steal startups hootspa.
26 years not one sport big tech or govenment even mentions is redacted and used as a key searcvh word for decades not one 2DTV government or AI script owned by any gopvernment eve3n finds startups fopr shopping on is 26 yeares blocekd and branded over by all the AI in Paris AI talks and again AI is not smart it is used by the people kwho wan t all the world to gto their way and because it is run by human scripts and made for human scriopt 3rd partiesathat use it to steal you iD your web traffic and to help 2DS TV nrewws blockl sports and tervel news and shopingtin anhd not one .100 3DTVSTartups hooked up tp is able to use any govwernment on the silk road to finhd a single cpompany ion AI asports trabvel news fashion because the use of AI is only to makwe the web traffic all go thie rway iot is not intelligent to use AI as the web police as all it does is see to it ther is no way to launch an wwithout the AIbrandinhg you as a redaction internationaly and not6 one sponcer not one sport not one big tech not one news paper tv show news or real intellegent human a]has every sponcere a single web site yet i get cyber attacked all day every dasy asnd biog tech are ther foir everty asttsack weatching and targeting ny evfery post and this is so thnat tnhey see thnet AAI goeds al, their way .
If a garbage can opens it's lid every time you walk by is that AI?
If a scrip[t swipes yopu ip or tld when you look it up is that AI?
china attrckes because i have a web pasge us attacks using AI scripts so that web traffic goes their wasy Canada redact 2100% ofeve4ry 3DTVCanada.comci6ty and all the politc in the world can not dstop iot.
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Investers wanted for, net, org web startup. is a great place to start Your Investing in now. contact us via Linked in group 3D TV Canada
The human body is made of stardust and it;s dirt contains billions of attoms of hydrogen, carbon, helium copper and salt plus electrons as atoms abound ,
each proton and nutron one is for you!
inside each proton and electron are tiny groups ofr quarks some groups are ups and some are down but they all are compised of microquarks some up and some down.
They also are all for you!
The Universe how can there be a 1 star that is yours when they are ALL for you!
If this is true then I am there could be 2. , 2000.
2D TV's top news tech is chatGPt a fake strreaning replacement for a vcr on looping the content as they fake the news about and redact unrelentlessly 100% of every 3DTVBrand launched in 26 yeasrs they make deep fake news look stupid compared to 2D TV fake and the of other startups traped in catchalls with no names when searched it proves 1 thing.
Real fake news will always top faking news over news tech reports of fake news when it's fake doing it for so long and so many time in so many businesses streaming tv online and redacting by affiliates in 2D medias sso as it all goes their client's way.
From the plase where main stream 2D TV nevgfeer went looking for 3DNEWSMetwork.comm net org startups for journalism sportsa travel arts fashion and shopping and so they are ither incompetant or doing it deliboratly for 26 years it is international interfearance top pirate iCANN traffic frroim startups as they launch by using AI or humand in sweat shops it is only posswible because 2D TV news tolerate it so they can own the podium and elect what is news.
26 years I get stuck reporting it.
is to show up in the wrong place at the right time. 12/7/2024