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It has become evident that a new tarrif is nessary to make nort6h merica great again .

Video gamiong is for the retired too but they can't aford it.

People do not understand politics.
People in Canada and the USA do not understand the bullying and they do not understand how to give in to bullying , they do not understanding how, do they sin t down? do they surrender money, do they bow to an idol , to they loose their first born or put a special garb on do they report or ignore; how do free liberty and speech createurs immedialty coperate and sauccom to bullying like they do every day in other countries by dictators nsd corruption politicians nd army's con astray andd all this is not in the school corriculm of eanytown america high school ot day care and so the actual populaztions of both countries do not understand surrendering to bulling by any thing they ever know or knew so why can we do to stop the usless drones attacks by tariffs and bullying political parties and the 2D tv newses endless need for telling on eachother and the pressing bullying every single politician ever elected ans all the tax payers with them just to fill the news hour with fear content while the public suffer online and off line asover handed bullying where is ever they turn for support before them soas theren is no way to make a living without bullying back; as i said no one here knows how to give in to bullying so they can not phiscaly do it or even do it properly with liberty and free speach as all they know.

VIdeo gameing is a sport.

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